Our Inside View:
- Here is where we live every day
- Our routines are too familiar
- We have a long "to-do" list
- We never catch up
All through school and into work -
- We are trained to figure things out
- We now know about "problem then solution"
- We also know about goals and results
All this is where we live every day.
Our Outside View:
- Here is where we have a problem getting the picture
- We weren't trained to use our imagination to get a vision
Pro Sports are learning to visualize -
- The pro scans the fairway, rough, water and green
- He has been trained to see the whole, good short, first
How do we visualize our Family?
- Can we visualize a picture of our home and family members?
- Can we imagine how others see our family?
- Can we create in our minds a video of our past, present and future?
Visualizing Has Big Payoffs:
- We think about what's really important - like our purpose
- We think about our time with our loved ones
- We refocus on our job - raising kids and adults - serving others
- Tomorrow we will do better
Does your family visualize? Tell us about this latest FAMILY CHALLENGE!