FWR Says: Wellness is to be found First in the Home!
Where else can we find:
* Unconditional love - forever
* Secure haven - whenever
* Fun, humour and faith
* Springboard for learning, career and service
All these are available 24/7 in the family that has solidarity. If it takes a village to grow a child, it takes the whole family to do the job - one or two parents can’t do it on their own.
Business, the professions, governments and the media are not interested in family solidarity. They actually promote family fragmentation. Even the “helping” organizations like hospitals, schools, colleges and even some churches fail to promote family solidarity.
The family wellness rainbow with its six colours shows the way to family solidarity: Health, Relationships, Learning, Total Family, Values and Faith. Each of these essential elements, when together, makes for family solidarity and wellness.
Family solidarity comes when the whole family (parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents) decide to work together. Each family can become consolidated with help from small local groups, community agencies and churches.
FWR Says: The family needs to regain the vision for its worth.
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