Is there anything more important than the nurturing of our children?
Then is there anything more important than family wellness?
Most of us agree that wellness is vital. Few of us agree what it is. Some say fitness; others say education; others say faith. Who is right? Are we all right? Are we all wrong?
Or, maybe wellness doesn’t come from one thing. Maybe wellness is a number of things including fitness education and faith – blended together.
If that is so, then each family needs to decide its own wellness mix. The trick for each family is to find a good balance and not miss anything essential.
Our Western way of life discourages holistic wellness. There are too many folks with their single brand of wellness from which they make their livelihood. Companies sell their brand of health food. Schools promote their own views of learning. Clergy sell their own type of faith.
So, our families face a barrage of different wellness brands, they are left to decide themselves. Families need a new wellness vision: Our job is to make sure our families have well-rounded wellness.
All this makes the family vision of wellness priority number ONE. Health care, education, religion now are part of something much bigger. Health, education and religion are not ends in themselves but vital dimensions in the new family wellness vision.
Until families get a new wellness vision, they will continue to be victims of all the forces selling their own selfish, brands of “wellness”.
How's your family's wellness vision?