FWR Says: Wellness Needed in Family, Home and School Relationships
Both the family and the schools have work overload. Too often dialogue doesn’t happen. Children’s learning suffers when parents and schools differ.
The family is burdened with too much work and fragmentation of family coming from money and social conditions. Schools suffer from cutbacks and community expectations to do more than they can. These are the main reasons parents and schools don’t always get along.
Both family and school need to remember that learning is a lifetime process, nurtured in the family and supported by the school.
Despite these conditions, families can still support the school by attending school meetings and finding agreements about homework etc. Schools need to remember that they cannot be in charge of a child’s learning process - that is a family role. Both families and schools need to recognize that learning comes more from experience than from teaching.
Both family and school need to shed any negative prejudices of each other.
All these challenges are beyond families and schools to handle by themselves. We need new groups that focus on home/school collaboration. We all need new approaches to home/family communications, new PTA roles and school trustees who remember that it takes a community to raise a child.
FWR Says: A persons’ life-long learning is moulded by home and school collaboration.