FWR Says: Risks Facing Good Families – Sex
Sex presents us with some very big problems. The biggest is that our society is addicted to sex in its many forms. Why is our society over-sexed? Foreign visitors are taken back by our sex atmosphere. The answer to that big question is simple - money. Sex pays from porno to advertising. Is this likely to change? No!
The next big problem is raising children in this charged atmosphere. That job is the parents’. It starts with their own behaviour and beliefs. Then there are the efforts of others outside the family – the street, the school and the church. Parents need to check out any school program - and act on what they learn. Pastors need to check out their own sex beliefs before giving sermons.
The other big problem is the public attitudes about sex. For some sex is the sacrament of marriage – deviations diminish the sacred nature of marriage. On the other hand, some view sex as a recreation. We are having big problems respecting the choices of others. The result is public debates on the nature of sex. Governments now feel they need to make some rules.
As one noted Canadian Prime Minister said: “The State has no business in the bedrooms of the nation.”
FWR Says: Family Wellness requires families to hold to their firm beliefs.