Saturday, July 20, 2013


FWR Says:  YES and NO - most powerful words in the universe

Sam’s message to his family is “It’s a crazy world out there - I decide what’s right and wrong”.  Sam is foolish - here’s why:

He doesn’t let anyone else decide - therefore he can’t have any relationships.  He lives on a one-way street. Worse still because only he can decide Yes and No, he also can only decide Maybe.  That word, Maybe, is the gateway to the realms of neurosis and psychosis.  Those like Sam who chose Maybe, lead lives of tension and insecurity.

Next, he is foolish because he doesn’t understand the worlds of science and technology.  He spends hours at his computer without realizing that it is a Yes/No machine.  Our technology revolution is all based on Yes/No.  There is no Maybe key on his computer.

Sam is mostly foolish because he thinks he is wiser than all the millions of folks who base their lives on the Law, the Prophets and the Sermon on the Mount.  Get this: this one little solitary being thinks he knows more than millions before him.  He should read “Let your Yes be Yes and your No be No.  For more than these is from the evil one”.

So Sam, who believes that his freedom is supreme, is a nobody who hasn’t a clue about the social, science or spiritual facts of life.  He is a meteor, disconnected from the universe, speeding to a flaming death.

FWR Says:  Yes and NO shape our lives; Decisions always hurt

Saturday, July 06, 2013


FWR Says:  A Tale of two Families

Our families are in a deadly money bind. For too long, we have spent money we didn’t have.  We probably can’t sustain our lifestyle.  The banker and bankruptcy could be just on the horizon.

Here is how two families respond to our money crisis:

In the Green family, both parents work.  They have two mortgages, two cars and two children.  To face the money crisis here are their plans.

Lower their standard of living in the next three years with a smaller house and older cars.  They will gradually pay off their credit cards by saving at the rate of 20%.  They will reduce their use of insurance and will cut back on expensive holidays.

The Greens will have a garden to grow potatoes, beans and broccoli.  To go to college the children need to take on part-time jobs and save.  Family entertainment costs will be reduced by limiting cell phones, video and computer games and replacing with family games and outdoor projects.  They will learn the satisfaction of helping neighbours.

In the Blue family, both parents work.  They have one child, two mortgages and three cars.  They believe it is OK to maintain their lifestyle even though some families are having financial problems.  They own a cottage with a dock and a boat.

They see how they can carry the two mortgages, credit card balances and continue to get a new car every two years.  They still save for one big annual holiday trip and support their local church and community projects.  They don’t worry about general savings and maintain all their insurance coverage and costs.

To cover college costs they plan to each work full-time until their child graduates.  Since they are healthy, they don’t expect any interruption in their income levels. Still, they find the demands of financing to be heavy.

What is coming?  Nobody knows.  There are too many changes in our world for anybody to project what is over the horizon.

How will these two families make out?  Since it is unknown each of the options seems reasonable.  It would appear that the Greens are taking a safer route.  Their route, however, is a tough one considering how our society seems to be going.

FWR Asks:  How many Greens can we expect to see?