There is a simple, huge fact. Illness is about fixing problems. Wellness is about preventing problems and in some cases, easing problems.
Our budgets tell the story. Most money goes into specialized medicine: least money into prevention.
There is confusion about illness and wellness because they are in different worlds. The professionals help solve the current health problems; Families are responsible for their own wellness – long term.
We all need to realize that problem-solving doesn’t lead to wellness – it only gets us back to where we were. Wellness comes from a different world.
Wellness does two great things. It often prevents illness. In other cases it eases treatment and recovery.
Families have been used to going to the professionals for help. Today’s professionals are not trained in family-based wellness.
Something has got to change. Families need to refocus on their own wellness. Professionals need to learn the ways of helping families achieve wellness.
The big question is: “Who is going to pick up this big ball?” So far, no candidates in sight.
Where is your family on this latest FAMILY CHALLENGE? Let's hear from you.