Have we noticed that we now live a world of organization? Medicine, recreation, family help - all used to come from friends and neighbours. Now they come through organizations.
Our family members spend more time in organizations than at home. But home is our first line of security. How do we manage to do both?
Sounds like we need to help each other do good things at home so we know what to look for in all our organizations. The big thing here is that we have some control in our family and much less control in our various organizations.
The modern organization has a character of its own. It has a unique culture, policies, beliefs and ways of doing things. How do we fit our family culture, talents and beliefs with the organization?
Sounds like we need to know what to look for when we knock on the door of an organization. Here are some of the good things to check out:
- Number one always, is supervision: is it a boss or teamwork place?
- Next, are the people - friendly or not? The receptionist is a good sign.
- Next is motive - what’s their real mission? Greed or Service?
- And, is vision and teamwork the way they get things done?
The danger in organizations is getting trapped in the wrong place and not seeing a way out. We can check out ahead by asking friends, volunteering, getting a student job.
Probably the best approach to an organization is to have the key, direct questions ready to be asked up front. The good, strong organization will value our direct questions. The weak ones act insulted.
No matter how bad we want to get in, the wrong organization will just make life worse.
Our family is our first and best group experience. Our best preparation for life in the organization is our family well-being and togetherness.
Let’s hear your views on this latest FAMILY CHALLENGE.