Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Reading shapes life. A full taste for reading leads to skills, careers and a rich inner life. A distaste for reading can lead to poverty, unemployment and bitterness.

The principal of a primary school in Atlanta said she could tell which kids were ready to learn. Those that are, have eyes that sparkle. Those that aren’t have eyes that are glazed.

The State of Florida just published a report on the gains from pre-K classes. Children not ready to read measured 36 percent down from 42 percent. The study results were presented to show the value of pre-K.

What was missing from the report was reference to parent’s failures with the 36 percent. We all know that children’s reading interest stems from stories read by parents. Children are stimulated to read and learn when parents read in ways that involve them in the book and the story.

Reading is vital to every life. The current push on science and math won’t go far if reading is a problem. In fact, life won’t go far if reading is a problem.

Do we have here another example where families aren’t doing the job for kids and instead expect someone else to do it?

We’ve got the new UNESCO study showing U.S. and U.K. children to be lowest in well-being of the 21 most advanced nations. What more will it take to make families wake up and do what their kids need. Every excuse about busyness pales in the face of the basic needs of children.

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