Thursday, September 06, 2007


The Barna Research Group has just released a study of 10,000 adults and their views on spirituality. The big study result is that Moms show greater interest in faith than Dads:

- Three quarters of the Moms interviewed identify “family” to be their highest priority.

- A majority of Moms agree that their faith is very important in their life.

- Dads also list “family” as first priority with much less emphasis on faith.

- Moms were distinct from fathers on 11 of 12 faith factors.

- A majority of Moms said they have been transformed by their faith but less than half the Dads said so.

All this may be a surprise to some but not to most. However, there is something more important than these differences. We all know that raising children is a tough job for two parents and even tougher for one.

The spiritual nurturing of children is in the hands of parents. The differences cited here are all the more reason Moms and Dads need to work together for the well-being of their children. If Moms show greater interest in faith, then they need to use that gift in cooperation with the gifts of Dads.

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