Friday, October 26, 2012


FWR says: There is no silver bullet for family wellness

We humans are really dumb. We don’t learn from the lessons all around us. Our plants and pets get it and we don’t.

For a healthy tomato plant we know it needs the right soil, fertilizer, sunshine, weeding and water all in the right balance. For our dog, we know it needs space, a safe bed, right food, right medicine and lots of attention.

So much for the plants and the pets. When it comes to us, if we are not well we look for a pill, a machine, an exercise or a book. We think that the right thing will do the trick. It won’t - for the simple reason we are at the very least as complicated as plants and animals.

Our wellness depends on a combination of the right things in good balance - just like the tomato plant. What are the right things?

The Family Wellness Rainbow says that the right things are Fitness, Relationships, Know-How, Family Life, Values and Faith. Miss one and we don’t have it; just like the tomato plant would be without sunshine.

Why can we act dumb about our own wellness? There are reasons. One is our pace that tells us that we need a quick fix now. For another, the advertisers claim wellness with a pill, an exercise machine, a cream or a special food. We are in the habit of solving problems fast because we always have a string of problems facing us.

So, instead of finding wellness we try one thing, then another, then another wasting time and money, neither of which we have.

The Family Wellness Rainbow shows a good way to find wellness. It shows and illustrates the six big ingredients. It shows how to be practical by setting one wellness goal at a time.

FWR says: The Family Wellness Rainbow is worth a try -


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