Friday, October 26, 2012


FWR Asks: Are we facing a social tsunami?

We have enjoyed fifty wonderful years compared to any other people on the planet. We have been safe. We have been prosperous. We enjoy the protection of big medical, social and pension programs. We have charge cards we use to get what we want.

The big question is: Will all this last, or we in for a big change?

Here are some of the danger signs:

  • Our social programs can’t handle all the problems
  • Our economy is tied to the big U.S. debt.
  • We face new levels of terror threats
  • Our churches, schools and families are looking unsteady
  • We face new race and religious challenges
  • We are short of visionary leadership

We adults are probably going to be OK. Our children and grandchildren may be facing a new kind of world:

  • Jobs will be scarce
  • Credit will shrink
  • Violence could become commonplace
  • All will have to do with less
  • Beliefs and morals will be different

Nobody knows how things will go. If huge changes are coming, the big question is:

Will our kids and grandkids be ready?

It is easy to feel helpless in the face of the big powers. We can’t really change governments, business, media, religions or other people.

Here is what we can do. We can build our families. Why is that so important? Two reasons - our society rests on the foundation of the families and Family Wellness is something we can change. Now, most of us need to learn more about family wellness and its benefits.

The Family Wellness Rainbow, developed by the Markham Institute, gives us a clear and simple way for families to make home life better. Besides, only the family can make a difference. The professionals can advise but wellness is entirely in family hands.

FWR Says: Families can face tougher times together, please see:


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