FWR says: The family has its own wellness crisis
These are tough days for families. These days are made tougher because families aren’t doing their wellness job. Instead they have the habit of looking to someone else to solve their problems.
Only families can raise kids. Only families can ensure their wellness. Three trends are making families dependent on others.
The first is their access to community agencies for a range of problems. As good as these agencies, schools and hospitals are at their own professions, they have neither the experience nor the know-how of family wellness.
Second, families are now relying on increased state subsidies for a whole range of family needs and conditions. There are special grants for special conditions. There are cash subsidies for families for welfare and unemployment pay.
Third, families still have easy access to money. With loans and credit cards families can have what they can’t afford. This is primarily the family’s doing.
These three powerful trends have distracted families from their prime job of raising kids to be well, trained and ready for adult life. There is no wonder our communities are facing daily tragedies. This is why our streets are run by young people who don’t know who they are or what jobs they should be doing.
FWR says: Only families can strengthen the wellness of their children.
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