FAMILY WELLNESS RAINBOW (FWR) says: Why the Family Wellness Rainbow is so Great
The Rainbow approach starts with an image of the whole big picture. It shows each family how to work out its own wellness combination.
Wellness is a job unique to the family. Nobody else can qualify and understand the unique features of a family. Only the family is on duty 24/7. Wellness plans globally and act locally.
Using one family as an example, here is their own Rainbow Wellness picture:
Red for Fitness: Exercise is number one with us
Orange for Relationships: Our love must be open and caring
Yellow for Know-How: Decisions need a mix of new and old views
Green for Family: Who is more important, me or my family?
Blue for Values: The top one is service to others
Purple for Faith: We discuss the big question: “What’s is life all about anyway?”
The best use of the Rainbow is a regular scan to check ourselves out. We use the Rainbow to decide what needs work today. We set one goal for the day that tells the result we want.
The Family Wellness Rainbow is a family self-care tool. The Rainbow has proven itself as an aid to daily personal preparation. It also has been successfully used by small groups.
FWR says: Wellness is the family’s greatest asset.
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