A Clinician's Viewpoint
At last count, every family has at least 12 different services all targeted on one element of family wellness:
Schools, Law Enforcement, Banks, Businesses, Governments,
Churches, Agencies, Hospitals, Clubs, Internet, Libraries, Media
How can Joe the plumber find who can help his family's wellness?
Which agency can help him find a wellness balance that is best for his family?
The obvious answer is hardly anybody. Why? Because each service is in its own legal, financial and professional specialized world. These good folks are already too busy struggling with waiting lists and money pressures.
Instead of competing for local funding, these organizations must find new ways to combine their services so that Joe gets help with his family's wellness.
In the end only Joe and his family can figure out what is best for them. Now they are isolated from the wellness help they need. More of the specialties can't do the job. Hopefully some of these organizations will see Joe's family wellness need and shift gears beyond their present specialty.
It would be great for Joe and his family if some community agencies came to an agreement on the combination that makes for wellness. Could they even turn to the Family Wellness Rainbow as one model?
Why not use the Family Wellness Rainbow model yourself as your guide for your family's wellness needs. See the Family Wellness Rainbow model at: www.familycybermall.org.
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