Friday, October 05, 2007


UNESCO reports the U.S. and the U.K. at the bottom of the list of child well-being among the 21 wealthiest nations, with Canada 12th. In the midst of our Western resources, we are not doing the job for our kids.

In every community we have enormous resources for families - churches, businesses, schools, governments, the media, health care and social services. We have so much, yet we don’t seem able to provide what families need. Why is this?

One big reason is that each family is unique. It is difficult for our community resources to offer a service designed for each individual family. It is also difficult for families to decide what they most need and what services are available. Families don’t even realize all the rich community resources they have.

Into this confusing picture comes the cybermall. What is it? Simply, an online source of all local and community services. It means families have a new, fast, one-stop shopping service for all their needs. It means families have at their finger tips all the available information and services they could need to do the right job for themselves and their children.

Cybermall means families now must take their job more seriously. They need to decide what’s best for their children using the right resources of the community. It is a reminder to families that they are the cornerstone of our society. The full well-being of our children depends primarily on the family. That means families now need to work together as a team as they scan the cybermall for what they most need.

The Cybermall is another tool we can use to help our children, ourselves and our families to meet THE FAMILY CHALLENGE head on! Let’s hear what you think about a one-stop shop of resources for families, click on the comment button below to voice your opinion.


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