We all start learning the day we are born. By experience, we learn the basics through experiences with adults. Throughout is the big teacher life, we continue to learn by experience for better or for worse. Experience is the big teacher.
We are born with intellect. But intellect is not one thing. It is many different things and different kinds. Each has his own unique intellect and genetic gifts. So, learning by experience must suit our particular make-up. Helpful learning must therefore be shaped for individual needs. Learning for one may not help the learning for another. So, learning can’t be prepackaged.
Then we have schools. The root meaning of “education” is to lead out. Our schools have become huge and our education has become standardized and bureaucratic. Teachers have standardized teaching methods. These undergo periodic change as views change about best teaching methods. The correlation between teaching and learning continues to be uncertain.
In our day, families depend on schools for their children’s education. Families view education as the key to a child’s future. Huge family and public expenditures support all this. Unfortunately, there is little evidence that education is shaped to meet the needs of individuals. Nor is there evidence that more education means greater wellness.
Now, we all enjoy the world wide internet for information. Every conceivable question is being answered by reliable resources. We and our children are now all internet students. As we speak, learning and education are going through a revolution. Expertise is shifting from the professionals to the families. We are now all equipped to make good learning for us and our families.
The Internet equips families with resources for:
1. Learning experiences
2. Information for decision-making
3. Learning through schools.
It also provides reliable internet resources for all these areas.
Today’s big, bald fact is that learning happens mainly at home, work and in the community. Families need to face this fact and challenge, and take back direct responsibility for their children’s learning. Then they can ensure that their child uses schools and work and the community for his/her unique learning experiences.
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